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Chemeketa Community College

Chemeketa Music Showcase
Chemeketa Cellars
Wednesday, April 23, 6-8 pm

Are you a Chemeketa employee? Do you have a musical talent you would love to share with the rest of the world? Sign up for our first annual music showcase! This event is open to all Chemeketa faculty & staff and will be held during tasting room hours on Wednesday, April 23 - on the patio if the weather is nice or indoors if not. The tasting room will provide some complimentary appetizers; wine by the glass, beer, cider and non-alcoholic options will be available for purchase along with our normal charcuter and light bites menu. Sign up using the form below.

Chemeketa Music Showcase
6:00 pm
6:10 pm
6:20 pm
6:30 pm
6:40 pm
6:50 pm
7:00 pm
7:10 pm
7:20 pm
7:30 pm
7:40 pm
7:50 pm
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